In a crowded field, Dave the Spazz reigns as my favorite WFMU DJ. I’ll never know what it was like to tune to those unhinged early broadcasts by pioneering rock & roll DJs like Dewey Phillips or Alan Freed, but I like to think Dave The Spazz is as close as I’ll get. He’s turned me on to tons of great stuff - from Roy Head to Lancelot Link and the Evolution Revolution! - and his love for Charlie Feathers knows no bounds. I’m down with that.
But I had no idea Dave was a songwriter himself. So, imagine my delight to see him credited with a co-write on the new Mary Weiss album ‘Dangerous Game’ which comes out next week on Norton, and which we happen to be working. Check out the spazztastic track “Nobody Knows (But I Do)” and for heaven sake, tune in to Music To Spazz By, every Thursday night from 8-11pm on WFMU (or online anytime).
Dave The Spazz is a great songwriter and front man! He was the singer of New York's legendary fun-punk pranksters The Sea Monkeys. They put out dozens of records in their 15-year career. His current band is called The Yams. Go see 'em!
I believe I could say that I have been listening to Dave longer than anyone and there is absolutely nothing I can add other than he continues to improve!
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