I Heart Cherryholmes
A few months ago Nick Baily and I went to the Allen Room at Jazz at Lincoln Center to check at a possible new client. Cherryholmes pretty much blew me away. Not in the "oh my god could Radiohead be any better live?!!!!!!" kind of way, but in the "oh my god that is the best collection of matching rhinestone suits, familial harmonies and choreographed mike sharing I've ever seen!!!!!!!" kind of way. The Cherryholmes clan has it together, and I was grinning ear to ear the entire show, even as they sang songs about broken hearts and murder ballads. They are ENTERTAINERS, from the outfits to the on stage moves. They brought the crowd in with the flash, but held us with incredible musicianship, great songs and the best harmonies this side of the Gibb brothers. Needless to say I'm psyched to be working with them. And then I saw this......

Could this band be any better?!!! I think not.
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