Baily - Phillips Bash Over the Weekend
Shore Fire's own Nick Baily got married over the weekend to the wonderful Becky Phillips, under a towering oak tree on Long Island's tony Shelter Island. Bride and groom were joined by many of their oldest friends, family and co-workers. Other than say that "gorilla suits" was a running theme throughout the speachifying, I'll keep the rest of the revelations in-house for now. I'm told that Saturday ran late, with an after party following a sweaty set by famed D.C. Go Go inventor Chuck Brown, in full band and full costume, playing to a room of 50 rather than his usual thousands. Lobster was in abundance at the Montauk Park rehearsal clam bake and at Saturday's wedding too (in the form of lobster salad blinis)...a good time was had by all, as they say. Congrats Nick and Becky.
Here Becky and Nick near the "I Will" part of their ceremony.

Becky with Shore Fire President Marilyn Laverty

Shore Fire's Mark Satlof, Nick Baily and Rebecca Shapiro

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