SxSW: Body Of War
In an interesting convergence, a plethora of Shore Fire clients came together last night in support of a project called 'Body Of War.' Both an amazing documentary and accompanying soundtrack, the project centers around the story of soldier Tomas Young, paralyzed in Iraq. Here's the trailer:
Last night at Stubbs an incredible group of artists came together to support the project. Kicking off the evening was Brendan James solo on the piano, playing the moving "Hero's Song," which was chosen by Tomas as the lead off track for the soundtrack. Brendan was just the first of several Shore Fire artists to perform, a group also including Brett Dennen (whose video for "Ain't No Reason" is a chilling must watch), Billy Bragg, and Tom Morello.
This morning, Brendan was up early for an interview and performance with Andy Langer on KGSR, where he performed again and talked with Tomas on air. Here's Brendan and Tomas in the hallway at the Four Seasons just after getting off the air.

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