I Made You A Muxtape
This post is a month late, but Muxtape is the coolest thing ever. It's a new social networking site that launched in late March. Super simplistic and free, it's a forum where users are given their own URL and can host a 12-song streaming mixtape on their own muxtape page. Muxtape describes their service as "a simple way to create and share mp3 mixtapes." It's as simple as that.

You could...make a muxtape for yourself or for your friends. You could make a muxtape as a bday gift, or maybe send one over to mom next Sunday. Bands can even make their own muxtapes with their own songs on it. You can also download a Muxtape application which will save mixes on your desktop.
I made one. So did my favorite website, Soul-Sides. Apparently Sasha Frere Jones joined in on the fun, too.
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