A couple of hundred friends made it to Shore Fire's annual holiday party last week at the Slipper Room, but it's always an extra special treat when our musician clients are able to make it. It can never be said enough that it's the artists who come first in our book. Without you guys, we might as well be pushing toothpaste. So from us to you: a sincere, a hearty, a big-headline-in-the-press-release-worthy "THANKS."
Ben Allison with Shore Fire's Rebecca Shapiro, who stopped in on a break from working on new music.

A new client,
Anne Heaton, quieted a tough, end-of-party crowd with her supple, must-hear voice and piano-based songs from her upcoming album Blazing Red. She definitely walked out that evening with some important new fans in the press...stay tuned.
Sarah Borges (on right, with SFM's Maggie Poulos) drove down from Boston just for our party, a wonderful surprise. She came with some of her band and their presence was very welcome, lending a black leather jacket vibe to the event...and you gotta check out her black leather jacket album that's coming next year with her band The Broken Singles, The Stars Are Out.

When Maiysha arrived, she was the automatic center of attention, and hands down winner of the "Best Subject Of A Snapshot Taken by a Teetering Amateur Photographer" Award. Here she is with her producer Scott Jacoby (far right) along with guest Shawn Greenbaum and a sliver of Rebecca Shapiro.

I missed seeing her and snapping a shot, but Jersey rocker
Danielia Cotton was also in the house.
Labels: parties, shore fire events, shore fire holdiday 08