Friday, November 06, 2009

Stories from the City, Stories from the Yankees

As I snuck out of a bar in Carroll Gardens after watching the Yankees clinch their 27th World Series and walked happily to the G train, I passed a few cars blasting Jay Z's "Empire State of Mind." This song - which was played each time Derek Jeter walked to the plate this year- has become quite the anthem for the pin stripe donned boys but also for the city as a whole, as witnessed by the numerous lyrics I've seen on Facebook and Jay and Alicia Keys stellar performance at the MTV VMA awards (which were held in NYC this year).

This magical moment got me thinking about my favorite songs about or relating to NY. So here they are:
Simon and Garfunkel - The Only Living Boy in NY
Interpol- NY Cares
Frank Sinatra - New York New York
REM - Leaving NY
Fran Sinatra - Autumn in NY
The Wu Tang Clan- CREAM
PJ Harvey- Good Fortune
Duke Ellington- Take the A Train
Jay Z ft/ Alicia Keys- Empire State of Mind

Little Steven Van Zandt was also recently asked for his favorite songs about NY - check out his selections here.



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