Friday, December 11, 2009

VU Redux: Reed, Tucker and Yule talk to David Fricke

If you know me, you know I'm a little obsessed with the Velvet Underground. So you can imagine what a thrill it was to attend the on-stage interview this past Tuesday between David Fricke and Lou Reed, Mo Tucker and Doug Yule at a grand hall deep inside the main NY Public Library building. (Which begged the question: when was the last time Reed and Yule were in the same room together)? What a rare event: Lou prepared to talk about the Velvets. While it was pretty familiar turf to a train spotter like me, even I (and David) learned a tiny new nugget, that the VU had opened for Bobby Bland in a black club in San Francisco. Never heard that one before. The event was to promote the new book Velvet Underground: New York Art, one of three awesome new VU books. To cap the evening, I waited on line and got my book signed. One for the ages. Here's the audio of the event that's posted on WNYC:



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