An Interfaith Shore Fire Weekend
How’s this for reaching across the aisle...
On Friday night, November 30, I caught Ween’s mind-blowing show at Terminal 5. Deaner and Gener played for over 2.5 hours! Seeing 3000 people singing along to “Reggae Junkie Jew” was a revelation. I met Deaner after the show and got to tell him about the time, circa ‘92, that I got kicked out of a Ween show at Trenton City Gardens. Something about not being old enough to drink. Feh.
Check out this great pic by Rahav Segev that ran in the NY Times, accompanying Kelefa Sanneh’s review. As the Boston Globe recently noted, Ween’s fog machine is no slouch.

Saurday night, December 1, I saw The Blind Boys of Alabama blow the roof off B.B. Kings. They played a mix of holiday songs and secular and gospel tunes, including their show-stopping version of “Amazing Grace” set to the melody of “House of the Rising Sun.” After nearly 70 years in the band, Jimmy Carter still can - and did - get a standing O for his infectious spirit. It’s impossible to go away from a Blind Boys show anything but happy. Here’s a pic of Shore Fire’s Nick Loss-Eaton (right) and myself backstage with the Blind Boys.
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