Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My New Favorite Restaurant in Brooklyn

So the Krauser family legacy runs pretty deep in Brooklyn. My father was raised here, and my grandfather actually had a hardware store on Atlantic Avenue. I recenlty found out from my Dad that the store was at 81 Atlantic.

After a little sleuthing, I discovered that the new tenants are the Mark Satlof approved Moxie Spot, a great little restaurant that is very kid friendly. What I also discovered (and what makes me more than a little excited) is that when they bought the building and stripped the paint off the sign that was up, they found the old "Krauser Hardware" sign underneath! And then they made it into a table!

That's me in front of the Krauser table! Nat the owner decided the old sign was so cool he wanted to incorporate it into the space. he's also got the "Hardware" part of the sign up on the wall.

And Lost City has a picture of the sign after they uncovered it.

So anyway, go eat at the Moxie Spot and think of me and my family when you do. The Krauser legacy comes full circle in Brooklyn.



At 1:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool of them to keep the signs on display.

At 5:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to see that "the" Rob is also "the" Krauser! Do you get discounts, and if yes,when are you taking all of us? :-)


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