Tuesday, March 03, 2009


OK, fine it's not quite the greatest headline in the history of newspapering but it was the best I could come up with on short notice.

Matt Hanks took a stab at it too with the very strong contender "SHORE FIRE’S PIX TO CLIX AT SXSW IN TX" but hey, I'm the one writing the blog post, so that'll have to be the tiebreaker.

The occasion of course is South By Southwest. It's that time of year again. When bands gather from around the country, and the music industry comes together for an event that seems like one part trade show, five parts open air music festival, and a dash of the opening scene of the movie Dazed and Confused (think Alice Cooper to jog the memory). A week when bands are bands, musicians are musicians, and beef cattle start looking around anxiously.

And for good reason I might add. Look no further than here, here, or here.

Anyways, far more important than the meat as always is the slate of great bands and shows and events and panels and parties that are going on this year. You never really know what might happen if you snooze. So for the full report on Shore Fire's clients and what they're up to, just click here for the complete run down and don't hesitate to drop a line if you're heading down yourself.


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