It's getting hot in here...
Were you to visit our office today, you'd be forgiven for mistaking

No matter though. All this heatwave needs is a little bit of appropriate music. So, here are my top five "hot" songs from my iTunes library:
"Hot Pants"- Norma and the Heartaches
"Hot Fun in the Summertime"- Sly and the Family Stone
"Hot Hot Summer Day"- Sugarhill Gang
"Here Comes the Hotstepper"- Ini Kamoze
"Hot Heels"- The Barbara Moore Sound
and what would a hot playlist be without a cool B-side:
"Cold Sweat"- James Brown
"Youths are So Cold"- Richie Spice
"Cold in the Country- "Rosewood Theives"
"Ice Cold Daydream"- Suggie Otis
"In the Cold Cold Night"- The White Stripes
I'm also working on a Weird Al Yankovic style re-work of the classic Kenny Rogers tune. New chorus: "I just dropped in to see what condition our air conditioning's in."
What no "Hot Hot Hot" by Buster Poindexter? And I'll add "Cold Roses" by Ryan Adams as the B-Side.
The only rule was that the song had to be on my iTunes, and sadly, i'm lacking in Buster Poindexter.
I've been called many things, but "saintly" hasn't generally been one of them ;-) Canonization awaits! Thanks for the shoutout.
Update for those following the SFM AC saga - it's back up and running now that the wave broke - big surprise.
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