Thursday, September 17, 2009

A guy walks in a movie theater...

...and expects to just see a movie. Well, not the other night. Me and two of my friends went to see Big Fan at the Angelika, starring Patton Oswalt and written and directed by Robert Siegel. Right before the film was about to start, a voice came in over the loud speaker announcing that after the movie Robert Siegel himself would be there to answer questions! How cool is that?

Lo and behold after the movie ended, which I thought was excellent by the way, Robert came out and answered questions from the audience for about a half an hour.

It was fascinating to get insight from the writer/director. Topics touched on included how much the film cost to make, how a certain cast member auditioned for a part in a strip club VIP room and why Patton Oswalt was perfect for the lead role.

I unfortunately chickened out on asking Robert a question, so I'll put it to him here.

Robert, if you're reading, what was your inspiration for the 50 Cent birthday cake? Did you have a similar experience in real life?


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