Not Enough Anat
Our client Anat Cohen performed 2 nights with 2 sets each at the Jazz Standard here in NYC and people could not get enough of her incredible talent on both the clarinet and saxophone. The early sets on both nights were sold out which led to a lot of people taking standing room spaces or waiting until the next set. Below is a shot of a few people who greeted Anat and Oded Lev-Ari who composed music for Anat, is the conductor for the Anzic Orchestra and General Manager of Anzic Records!

Matt Hanks and I are lucky to be working with Anat so her label, Anzic Records, held tables for us as well as our journalist friends who came out to see her including Nekesa Moody(AP), Will Friedwald (NY Sun) , Lauren Matison (Parade), Robin Wood (Bloomberg TV), Derek John (PRI), Tad Hendrickson (Global Rhythm), Elizabeth McMullen and one of our favorite freelancers David Sprague. Below is a shot with Matt with David Sprague and Lauren with her friend Vince.

At the end of the night I got a chance to chat with Anat who is so sweet and has so much personality. She makes me deeply regret my junior high school decision to give up the clarinet to play basketball. Oh well! Here we are pretending to have a conversation so we can take a "candid" shot.

I suggest everyone pay close attention because she is on the rise!
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