Our Holiday Party: The Crowd Shots
Once again we were graced by the presence of many of our friends and associates from the music world at our party last night, the people who make it fun for us throughout the year and whose company we look forward especially during this season. Here's just a small sampling of our guests and staff:
Tom Burleigh, Product Manager at Sony BMG International and friend;
Vic Anesini, mastering engineer at SonyBMG; Mandy Eidgah of Legacy

The invaluable and indomitable Nora Lyons with Rebecca Shapiro

ESL Records/Thievery Corporation's Matt Whittington with Nick Baily

Megaforce's Missi Callazo (Center) with MCOM's Ric Sherman on right and unknown guest (to me that is) on the left

Cooking Vinyl US rep Jeremy Morrison with Impact Artist Management principle Ed Gerrard.

Billboard's Katie Hasty, Blue Note's Cem Kurosman, and Stop Smiling's JC Gabel

Man about town freelancer Jason Buhrmester with Diana D'Angelo.

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