Friday, June 20, 2008

Get Even Smarter

The movie version of Get Smart is out today, and while from the trailer it doesn't seem nearly as funny as the TV series written by two of the world's greatest comic geniuses, Mel Brooks and Buck Henry, it will probably become one of those movie remakes I go to primarily because of the theme song, a list that has included The Jetsons, Mission: Impossible and Life of Brian. (The last is in its own way a remake of King of Kings, isn't it? And don't you find yourself whistling "Always Look On The Bright Side of Life" right about now?)

The "Get Smart" TV theme was written by Irving Szathmary, who doesn't seem to have written much else. The movie music is credited to Trevor Rabin (yes, of Yes), and what I've heard of the theme arrangement makes me suspicious (too many strings, not enough brass). But I will sit with my popcorn and see if anything in the film can equal this classic opening sequence:

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