Loudest Band Ever at the Living Room

The Shore Fire turned out in force last night to catch TX madcaps Future Clouds & Radar play the Living Room. Marilyn, Mark, Nick Loss-Eaton, Carla Parisi and I were all there. Two songs in, Carla leaned over to me and said, “This is so awesome, this is the loudest band I’ve ever seen at the Living Room.” Indeed, this six-piece collective which featured everything from tape loops to melodica - all in the service of Robert Harrison’s kaleidoscopic, impossibly catchy songs - wasn’t your standard Living Room fare.
Regrettably, I left my camera at home, so I can’t show you evidence of the snazzy bison-motif shirt Robert wore, or the fact that Alejandro Escovedo came out to see Future Clouds. Use your imagination.
And come see them tonight at Piano's (152 Ludlow) at 8pm!

Here's Shore Fire's Marilyn Laverty with Future Cloud & Radar's Robert Harrison.
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